Tạm biệt cơn đau nhức xương khớp với Nước Cốt Nhàu Tự Nhiên Hương Thanh
Trái nhàu khô - Công dụng của trái nhàu khô (noni fruit) với những căn bệnh mãn tính
Nước cốt nhàu Hương Thanh [1 thùng 10 chai] - Tiêu chuẩn ISO & Cúp vàng thương hiệu Việt 2018
- Nước cốt nhàu Hương Thanh (Noni Juice) - Quà tặng cho sức khỏe
Hỗ trợ trị suy giãn tĩnh mạch bằng trái nhàu ngâm đường - Bài thuốc hiệu quả từ thiên nhiên
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Some Traditional and Modern Uses of Noni
(1) Some traditional uses of the noni plant. The information in this table was gathered from published ethnobotanical literature about noni.
Plant organ | Preparation | Use |
Leaf | Fresh | Wrap and flavor meat for cooking, livestock fodder, silkworm food, topical burns, headaches, fever |
Tea | Malaria, febrifuge, analgesic | |
Poultice | Tuberculosis, sprains, deep bruising, rheumatism, fever, stings from stonefish, bone fractures, dislocations | |
Extract | Hypertension, bleeding caused by a bone puncture. | |
Stomach ache, fractures, diabetes, loss of appetite, urinary tract ailments, abdominal swelling, hernias, Vitamin A deficiency | ||
Vapor when broken | Sties | |
Fruit | Unripe | Sores or scabs around or in the mouth |
Ripe | Famine food, sore throat gargle (mashed), peeling or cracking of the toes and feet (crushed), body or intestinal worms, cuts, wounds, abscesses, mouth and gum infections, toothaches, appetite and brain stimulant, pig food | |
Poultice | Boils, carbuncles, tuberculosis, sprains, deep bruising, rheumatism | |
Oil | Stomach ulcers | |
Extract | Hypertension
Stem | Canoe parts, paddles, axe and adze handles, digging sticks, firewood, red pigment | |
Decoction of bark | Jaundice | |
Extract | Hypertension | |
Seed | Oil | Scalp insecticide, insect repellent |
Flowers | Sties | |
Roots | Carving, yellow pigment, | |
Juice | Badly infected cut | |
All Parts of the Plant | Laxative |
(2) Modern Applications for Noni as CAM (Complementary Alternative Medicine).*
ADD/ADHD, addictions, allergies, arthritis, asthma, brain problems, burns, cancer, cardiovascular disease, chemical sensitivity, chronic fatigue, diabetes, digestive problems, endometriosis, fibromyalgia, gout, hypertension, immune deficiency, infection, inflammation, jet lag, multiple sclerosis, muscle and joint pain, polio, rheumatism, severed fingers, sinus, veterinary medicine.