Introduction to NONI
NONI is a Natural Health Enhancer from a fruit called ‘Morinda citrifolia’. It supports healthy people to stay healthy always and the sick people to become healthy all the ways. It is researched by more than 42 universities in Ten countries world over. As on date, more than 75,00,000 weblinks are available on the Internet for NONI. It is used by millions of people worldwide with life changing results. It is truly the most exciting and promising Health Enhancer for today’s family because on the one hand, Noni detoxifies and cleanses the user’s body and on the other, it builds and strengthens the cells of our body.
What is special about NONI?
Besides being predominantly formulated from Morinda Citrifolia, this food supplement also contains high quality health enhancing herbs. To enhance its taste, the natural ‘Zero-Calorie’ Sweetener is also added into this. This proprietary combination, provided by NONI Research Foundation, is what unique to NONI and this is what makes it extraordinarily nutritious and delicious. Words cannot bring out its specialties…you should experience and see how good it is!
Suitable for all – Young or Old!
It is a preventive and protective food supplement that works at the cellular level! It is 100% vegetarian and totally herbal. Hence, absolutely no Side Effects. ! It is completely safe for all! It should be a part of everyone’s daily diet because of its exceptional nutritional value. It is truly Mother Nature’s Gift to Humanity! Let us relish its gains and share them will others around us.
How NONI works as a Health Enhancer?
"NONI is one of the greatest Nutritional Discoveries of all times"‘Today’s health’ Programme. February 3, 2003, Discovery Channel
NONI the Cell-Rejuvenator!
Our body is made of micro-units called Cells. Healthy cells lead to healthy tissues; healthy tissues lead to healthy organs; healthy organs lead to healthy systems; and healthy systems lead to healthy body. Hence, the health of the cells is essential for a body to be healthy. NONI, being the best nutritional supplement works at this root-level in order to make these fundamental units healthy, and thereby make us live healthier.
A Cellular Food!
Noni works at the Cellular level! Works at the root of illness! Works at the source, not with symptoms Noni contains Health enhancing attributes that are Antibacterial, Anti-inflammatory, Analgestic, Anticongestive and has cancer-inhibitting compounds!
Key Benefits
A Proactive and Protective Dietary Supplement! Anyone can improve his/her Health and Lifestyle! You can have More Energy, More Clarity, More Fun…
Noni Contains…
Noni is rich in Vitamins A, C, E, B, B2, B6, B12, Calcium, Iron, Niacin, Folic Acid, Pantothenic Acid, Phosphours, Mangnesium, Zinc, Copper and other minerals like Chromium, Manganese, Molybdenum, Sodium, Potassium, Carbohydrates and 150+ isolated nutraceuticals.As a food supplement Noni Supports the Immune System, the nervous; the Circulatory System, the Digestive System, the Metabolic System, the Tissue, Cells, Skin & Hair.Noni strengthens the self-healing system of our body.
NONI works as
A ‘De-toxifier’
A ‘Protein Regulator and Activator’
An ‘Antioxidants’
A ‘Safe, Pain-reliever’
A ‘Cancer- Inhibitor’
A ‘Healthy, Immune System Promoter’
A ‘Blood Pressure Stabilizer’
An ‘Adaptogen’
Noni and Nitric Oxide
The basic concept that everybody needs to remember about Nitric Oxide (NO) is that it is essential to body functions and needs to be produced by the body on a continuous basis. When Nitric Oxide is not produced in the amounts needed, malfunction of body systems and disease is as guaranteed result. Finding solutions that will help the body return to its proper production of Nitric Oxide is a powerful key to unlocking the secret of good health. Noni is the solution.
In 1998 three researchers won the Nobel Prize in Medicine for discovering that Nitric Oxide is a signaling molecule involved in: "…controlling the circulation of the blood, regulating activities of the brain, lungs, liver, kidneys, stomach and other organs. It acts in main tissues to regulates a seemingly limitless range of functions in the body"(Royal Society of British Science Writers, May 1996)
The Nitric Oxide Approach to Health
Here’s a partial list of what Nitric Oxide (NO) does in our body
1.BLOOD PRESSURE: Lowers blood pressure, improves blood flow and blood vessel diameter, and prevents formation of blood clots.
2.HEART: widens blood vessels, increases oxygen supply and protects the heart from damage and cell death.
3.BRAIN: transmits message between nerve cells and is associated with the process of learning, memory, and sleeping. It can stimulate mental clarity and ‘s ability to concentrate.
4.IMMUNE SYSTEM: supports the immune system’s ability to combatinfection and disease.
5.CANCER: reduces tumor growth and increase the immune response against the radical replication of cancerous cells.
6.STRESS: counteracts the effects of the stress hormone nore pinephrine, to increase the relaxation response.
7.INFLAMMATION: (NO) helps relieve pain, and it’s a mediator in inflammation and rheumatism.
8.SKELETAL MUSCLES: widens the blood channels leading to skeletal muscles. For those who work out, this means faster gains in lean muscle mass, greater strength, increased endurance and full-body muscle recovery.
9.SEX: creating increased (NO) is the expected effect of the celebrated drug Viagra, which stimulates, restores and magnifies the natural responses of male and female genitals. The proper amount of (NO) heightens and lengthens the time of stimulation. Enhances blood flow to the penis, helping to boost erections.
10.DIGESTION:Noni supports the natural digestion process and helps the absorption of nutrients.
11.ANTIOXIDANT:Noni Juice is an excellent antioxidant that helps free the body of harmful free radicals.
The Regular use of Noni as a Food Supplement…
* Rejuvenates the Body
* Revitalises the Cells
* Restores Energy
* Reduces Pain
* Reduces Inflammation
* Releases Stress
* Purifies Blood
* Stimulates Immune System
* Improves Digestion
* Enhances well being
* Regulates Cell Function
* Maintains healthy skin, Hair and Scalp
* Inhibits tumor growth
* Reduces chances of premature onset of age-related diseases such as Arthritis, Heart Disease, Diabetes or Strokes
* Protects against Viral and Bacterial strain that have becomeanti-biotic resistant
* An Effects Antioxidant
* Protects you from Toxins and Pollutants
* Reduces the risk of developing Cancer
* Improves Memory and concentration.
These are only a few examples of an extensive list of uses and benefits that regular consumers of Noni Food Supplement have experienced.
There is no other tonic, which works at the molecular level to build the cells like Noni.
A Perfect Food Supplement for People with…
Diabetes, Digestion, Arthritis, Asthma, Heart Disease, High Cholesterol, High Blood Pressure, Cancer, Chronic pain, Depression, Kidney Problems, Tuberculosis, Menstrual Disorders, Weight Loss, Stroke, Stress, and Sleeping Disorders.
Noni helps healthy people to stay healthy & sick people to become healthy with meditation.
Nhàu (Noni)
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Nước cốt nhàu Hương Thanh [1 thùng 10 chai] - Tiêu chuẩn ISO & Cúp vàng thương hiệu Việt 2018
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Introduction of NONI
Introduction of NONI