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Bạn đang ở: Trang chủ » Tin tức » History of Noni

History of Noni


Young Plant of Noni; Morinda citrifoliaThe Wonderful Plant Noni (Morinda Citrifolia)

Ancient peoples of what is now known as French Polynesia, colonized islands throughout the South Pacific. As they made their voyages from island to island in the ocean-going canoes, they brought with them sacred plants from their home islands. These plants contained the basic foods, construction materials and medicines used by the Polynesian colonizers. Perhaps the most important of these plants is known as Morinda citrifolia . Ancient manuscripts handed down from generation to generation, describe many uses for this plant.

This plant is known among the people of the tropics world-wide. In Malaysia, it is known as Mengkudu . In Southeast Asia it is known as Nhau . In the islands of the South Pacific the plant is known as Nonu , in Samoa and Tonga. Nono in Raratonga and Tahiti, and Noni in the Marquesas Islands and Hawaii. Here it has become and integral part of the Polynesian culture. An important source of food, the fruit of the Morinda citrifolia tree has been used for centuries as a food source. Early Polynesians recognized its pure value and consumed it in times of famine.


During World War II, soldiers based on tropic Polynesian islands were taught by the native Polynesian people to eat the Noni fruit to sustain their strength. The Noni fruit became a staple food choice for people of Raratonga, Samoa and Fiji who ate the Noni fruit raw or cooked. Australian Aborigines were fond of the Noni and consumed it raw with salt. Seeds, leaves, bark and root were also consumed by people familiar with the qualities of this unusual plant. We believe that we have much to learn from the traditional use of the amazing plant. The wonderful thing about the Morinda Citrifolia plant is that every part is valued and used.

Important Facts about Noni Fruit

Noni FruitNoni is the common Hawaiian name for Morinda citrifolia, also known as Indian Mulberry. The Morinda Citrifolia plant flourishes in the lush and unspoiled islands of French Polynesia , the best known of these islands is Tahiti . It is considered to be one of the most beautiful plants in the islands. It is a valued addition to a traditional Polynesian garden. The plant reaches heights of 15-20 feet and yields fruit year-round. The blossoms of the tree are a creamy white color. The mature Noni fruit is about the size of a potato and resembles a small breadfruit. When ripe the fruit turns yellow and white.

The traditional Polynesians pick the Noni before is it fully ripe and placed it in a jar in the direct sunlight. When fully ripe, the Noni is mashed into a puree and the juice is extracted through a cloth. The juice is now ready for use. Traditionally,  Noni Juice is taken during times of rest when the body is under the least amount of stress. The Morinda Citrifolia has been prized in Polynesia for centuries but has never found its way to the western market, until now. Tahitian Noni International (Morinda) Inc.